TEKeez Library

After studying how content creators deliver their message, I concluded that a place where eGuides and more could be available for folks to download at will would be a better way to help.  So I'll give you the key.  With that passage, If you'd like something, take it with the use of your password.  Guides are yours and things are being added to help in your photo journey.   As your interest may change and grow, check back to consider something that may not have hit a nerve at first.


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Wedding Shot List in PDF, Excel and Numbers

I never thought of myself as a list user in my Wedding Photography days. It was always important to just make use of the time I had for each little photo sessions. The time with the Bride and her family and bridesmaids; the groom and family and groomsmen...

Don't Shoot Manual - eGuide

The process of shooting without TOTAL AUTO of modern cameras.  Move gradually through the different modes of metering, learning as you experience each mode. Step-by-step learning process mastering the use and the functions of your camera as you go!

Lost Lessons of HDR - eGuide

If you are into HDR, whether "artsy and out-there" or just exploring the dynamic range potential, consider checking into "Lost Lessons of HDR". Camera technique to speed and simplify the process.  

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